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Norman G. Marriott

Professor Emeritus
Dr. Norman G. Marriott
Food Science and Technology Building (0418)
Blacksburg, VA


  • Ph.D., Animal Science, Texas A&M University, 1976
  • M.S., Animal Husbandry, University of Missouri, 1965
  • B.S., Animal Husbandry, University of Missouri, 1963

Dr. Marriott's research has made contributions to the fields of meat processing, protein functionality, accelerated processing, and sanitation. He is the author of four books on the subject, including Principles of Food Sanitation — a text in its sixth edition that has been translated to six languages. He organized and edited the Journal of Muscle Foods for 14 years, and has received 10 international, national, and state awards in the field of meat science.

Selected Funding Sources

American Meat Institute Foundation
American Association of Meat Processors
National Cattlemen's Beef Association
North American Association of Meat Processors
Virginia Cattle Industry Board
Virginia Pork Industry Board
National Pork Board
Smithfield Foods

Product acceptability and functionality enhancement with restructured and whole muscle products. Improvement in meat tenderness has been achieved through a new postmortem technology that improves beef tenderness in some muscles 15 to 45% and approximately 15% in pork.

Marriott, N.G., Gravani, R.B., Schilling, M.W. 2006. Principles of Food Sanitation 6th Edition.

Schilling, M.W., Claus, J.R., Marriott, N.G., Solomon, M.B., Eigel, W.N., and H. Wang. 2002. No Effect of Hydrodynamic Shock Wave on Protein Functionality of Beef Muscle. J. Food Sci. In press.

Claus, J.R., Schilling, J.K., Marriott, N.G., Duncan, S.E., Solomon, M.B., and H. Wang. 2001. Hydrodynamic Shockwave Tenderization Effects Using a Clinder Processor on Early Deboned Broiler Breasts. Meat Sci. 58:287-292.

Claus, J.R., Schilling, J.K., Marriott, N.G., Duncan, S.E., Solomon, M.B., and H. Wang. 2001. Tenderization of chicken and turkey breasts with Electrically Produced Hydrodynamic Shockwaves. Meat Sci. 58:283-286.

Li, C.T., M. Wick, N.G. Marriott, and K.E. McClure. 2001. Dietary Supplementation of Vitamin E affects the Peroxide Value of Subcutaneous Lamb Fat. J. Muscle Foods. 12:237-243.

Marriott, N.G., H. Wang, M.B. Solomen, and W.G. Moody. 2001. Cow Beef Tenderness Enhancement Through Supersonic-Hydrodynamic Shock Wave Treatment. J. Muscle Foods. 12:207-218.

Li, C.T., H.W. Ockerman, and N.G. Marriott. 2000. Sensory and Microbial Attributes of a Dehydraded Pork Product (Meat Floss). J. Muscle Foods. 11:143-156.

Meek, K.I., J.R. Claus, S.E. Duncan, N.G. Marriott, M.B. Solomon, S.J. Kathman, and M.E. Marini. 2000. Quality and Sensory Characteristics of Post-rigor, Early Deboned Broiler Breast Meat Tenderized Using Hydrodynamic Shock Waves. Poul. Sci. 79:126-136.

Sun, Y.M., H.W. Ockerman, and N.G. Marriott. 2000. Garlic in Chinese Sausage. J. Muscle Foods. 11:35-43.

Wick, M.P. and N.G. Marriott. 1999. The Relationship of the Sarcomeric Architecture to Meat Tenderness. Recent Res. Dev. In Ag. & Food Chem. 3:515-533.

Marriott, N.G. 1999. Principles of Food Sanitation 4th Edition (3rd Edition-1994).

Marriott, N.G., H. Wang, J.R. Claus, and P.P. Graham. 1998. Evaluation of Restructured Low-fat Ham Containing Whey. J. Muscle Foods. 9:201-207.

Marriott, N.G., H. Wang, J.R. Claus, and P.P. Graham. 1998. A Research Note: Chemical, Physical, and Sensory Characteristics of Color Modified Porcine Muscle. J. Muscle Foods. 9:313-319.

Meek, K.I., J.R. Claus, N.G. Marriott, and M.B. Soloman. 1998. Tenderizing Non-aged Broiler Breasts Through Hydrodynamic Shock Waves. Proc. International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. P. 538-539.

Parkington, J.K.,N.G. Marriott, H. Wang, and J.R. Claus. 1998. A Research Note: Chemical, Physical, and Sensory Characteristics of Color Modified Pork as Affected by Diaminocyclo-hexane-tetraacetic Acid Monohydrate. J. Muscle Foods. 9:321-327.

Schwarz, S.J., J.R. Claus, N.G. Marriott, P.P. Graham, and C.F. Fernandes. 1998. Inhibition of Pinking in Whole Muscle Cooked, Uncured Turkey Rolls Through Binding of Non-pinking Ligands to Muscle Pigments. Poul. Sci. 78:255-266.

Schwarz, S.J., J.R. Claus, H. Wang, N.G. Marriott, and P.P. Graham. 1998. Quantification of the Nicotinamide Hemochrome Pigment in Cooked, Uncured Turkey by Reflectance Spectrophotometry. J. Muscle Foods. 9:101-110.

Abd El-Rhman, H.S., N.G. Marriott, H. Wang, M.M.A. Yassien, and A.M. Ahmed. 1998. Sodium Tripolyphosphate and Trisodium Phosphate Effects on the Stability of Minced Beef. J. Foodservice Systems. 10:1 69-184.

Abd El-Rhman, H.A., N.G. Marriott, H. Wang, M.M.A. Yassien, and A.M. Ahmed. 1998. Characteristics of Minced Beef Stored at Chilled and Abuse Temperatures. J. Muscle Foods. 9:139-152.

Ahmed, A.M., H.A. Abd El-Rhman, M.M.A. Yassien, and N.G. Marriott. 1998. Quantitative Studies of Proteolysis and Biolytic Bacteria in Frozen Minced Beef and Hamburger. J. Muscle Foods. 9:127-138.

Claus, J.R., M.L. Jordan, W.N. Eigel, N.G. Marriott, and D.E. Shaw. 1998. Calcium Chelator and Salt Extracted Myofibrillar Protein Injection into Lean Prerigor Beef Muscle Effects on Tenderness Indices. J. Muscle Foods. 9:329-338.

Marriott, N.G. 1997. Essentials of Food Sanitation, Chapman and Hall.