Food and Beverage Fermentation

The study of fermentation concerns the use of microorganisms to transform the stability, safety, value, and flavor of foods. This diverse field is one of humanity’s oldest food-related practices and utilizes an array of fundamental food science principles, from microbiology to chemistry to engineering. Our faculty’s fermentation research includes brewing science and enology or winemaking, cocoa production, food safety and preservation, and the stability and health of fermented products such as sauerkraut and cultured dairy.



Food Safety

Food Preservation

Sensory Science

Food Processing and Packaging

Health and Nutrition

Food Business
FST’s Amanda Stewart and Marlon Ac Pangan are collaborating with researchers at the Cocoa Research Center in Trinidad and Tobago, one of the leading organizations in the cocoa industry, to study the different factors that affect the fermentation of cocoa in the chocolate-making process.
By harvesting cocoa beans in Trinidad and Tobago and then bringing them back to Virginia Tech to conduct chemical and sensory analysis on them, Stewart and Ac Pangan hope to help cocoa farmers improve the quality and sustainability of their crops.
Bio ItemAlexis M. Hamilton , bio
Assistant Professor: Food Processing Microbiology
Bio ItemAmanda C. Stewart , bio
Associate Professor: Food and Beverage Fermentation
Bio ItemAnn Sandbrook , bio
Food Chemistry Lab Manager
Bio ItemBrian Wiersema , bio
Pilot Plant Manager
Bio ItemHerbert Bruce , bio
Assistant Professor of Practice for Undergraduate Education
Bio ItemKen Hurley , bio
Collegiate Assistant Professor
Bio ItemMarlon F. Ac-Pangan , bio
Postdoctoral Research Associate: Postharvest Processing, Food and Beverage Fermentation, Food and Flavor Chemistry, Gas and Liquid Chromatography
Bio ItemRenata Carneiro , bio
Research Assistant Professor: Food Chemistry, Sensory Science, Cyberbiosecurity
Bio ItemSean O'Keefe , bio
Professor: Food Chemistry, Lipid and Flavor Chemistry
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