Renee Boyer
- Professor and Extension Specialist

360 Duck Pond Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
- Ph.D., Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech, 2006
- M.S., Food Science and Technology, Virgina Tech, 2002
- B.S., Biology, Radford University, 1999
Professional Appointments
2021 - Present: Department Head, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
2006 - Present: Professor/ Extension Specialist, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Honors and Awards
- Outstanding Team Award, Food Safety Team, Epsilon Sigma Phi Alpha Gamma Chapter, 2009
Pre- and post-harvest interventions to enhance the safety of fresh and fresh cut fruits and vegetables, as well as Development of Interventions and Educational Programs to Empower Food Handlers to Use Safer Practices.
Extension Program
My extension program focuses on Consumer Food Safety Education. I am the extension specialist leading the states Food Safety Team. This team includes a district program leader and 4 extension agents from across the state of Virginia. Our charge is to evaluate the educational programming needs for the citizens of Virginia and provide food safety curriculum. Current programs offered include: Serv safe, Cooking for Crowds and So Easy to Preserve.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Bacon, K., R. Boyer, C. Denbow, S. O’Keefe, A. Neilson and R. Williams. 2017. Anti-bacterial activity of jalapeno pepper (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) extract fractions against select foodborne pathogens. Food Science & Nutrition. 2017;00:1-9.
Kumar, G. D., R. C. Williams, H. M. Al Quiblan, N. Sriranganathan, R. Boyer, J. D. Eifert. 2017. Airborne soil particles as vehicles for Salmonella contamination of tomatoes. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 243, 90-95.
Levy, J., R. Boyer, A. Nielson, S. O’Keefe, H. Chu, R. Williams, M. Dorenkott, and K. Goodrich. 2017. Evaluation of peanut skin and grape seed extract to inhibit growth of foodborne pathogens. Food Science & Nutrition. 5(6): 1130–1138.
Saucedo-Alderte, R., J. Eifert, R. Boyer, R. C. Williams and G. Welbaum. 2017. Delmopinol hydrochloride reduces Salmonella on cantaloupe surfaces. Food Science & Nutrition. 2017;00:1–8.
Arnold, N. L., C. Rupert, J. Overdiep III, M. Yavelak, S. Cope, K. Porter, R. Boyer, and B Chapman. 2017. Prevalence and conditions of mechanical tenderization and enhancement of beef at independent meat retailers in North Carolina. Food Protection Trends. In Press.
Bacon, K., R. Boyer, C. Denbow, S. O’Keefe, A. Neilson and R. Williams. 2016. Evaluation of different solvents to extract antibacterial compounds from jalapeno peppers. Food Science & Nutrition. doi:10.1002/fsn3.423.
Schroeder, M., L. Yang, J. D. Eifert, R. Boyer, M. Chase, and S. Nieto-Montenegro. 2016. Evaluation of how different signs affect poultry processing employees’ hand washing practices. Food Control. 68, 1-6.
Pollard, S., R. Boyer, B. Chapman, J. di Stefano, T. Archibald, M. Ponder and S. Rideout. 2016. Identification of risky food safety practices at Southwest Virginia farmers’ markets. Food Protection Trends. 36(3) 168-175.
Schroeder, M., O. Galagarza, J. Eifert, R. Boyer, M. Chase and S. Nieto-Montenegro. 2016. Employee perceptions of food safety pictograms at meat and poultry processing plants. Food Protection Trends. 36(3) 194-205.
Pollard, S., J. Barak, R. Boyer, M. Reiter, G. Gu, S. Rideout. 2014. Potential interactions between Salmonella enterica and Ralstonia solanacearum in tomato plants. Journal of Food Protection. 77(2):320-324.
Harrison, J., J. Gaskins, M. Harrison, J. Cannon, R. Boyer, G. Zehnder. 2013. Survey of food safety practices on small to mediumsized farms and in farmers markets. Journal of Food Protection. 76(11)1989-93.
Maitland, J., R. Boyer, D. Gallagher, S. Duncan, N. Bauer, J. Kause, J. Eifert. 2013. Tracking cross-contamination transfer dynamics at a mock retail deli market using GloGerm. Journal of Food Protection. 76(2):272-82.
Robertson, L., R. Boyer, B. Chapman, J. Eifert, A. Villalba, N. Franz. 2013. Assessment of educational needs and current practices of front-line grocery associate food handlers in the deli and bakery. Food Control. 34(2):707-13.
Huff, K., R. Boyer, C. Denbow, S. O'Keefe, R. Williams. 2012. Survival of Salmonella enterica on the surface and internal components of jalapenos. Journal of Food Protection. 75(2) 382-388.
Lopez-Velasco, G., H. Tydings, R. Boyer, G. Welbaum, M. Ponder. 2012. Characterization of interactions between Escherichia coli O157:H7 with epiphytic bacteria in vitro and on spinach leaf surfaces. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 153 (3): 351-357.
Sarnoski, P., R. Boyer, S. O'Keefe. 2012. Application of proanthocyanidins from peanut skins as a natural yeast inhibitory agent. Journal of Food Science. 77(4)M242-M249.
Tyler, C., M. Jahncke, S. Sumner, C. Hackney, R. Boyer, H. Wang, T. Rippen. 2012. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes by Carnobacterium piscicola in Fresh and Pasteurized Crab Meat. Food Protection Trends. 32(7) 384-390.
Peer-Reviewed Extension Publications
Dodson, S., R. Boyer, M. Chase, J. Eifert, J. Eifert, L. Strawn and A. Villalba. 2015. Safe handling and storing of raw fruits and vegetables. Publication number FST-216NP.
Boyer, R., R. Williams, and A. Villalba. 2014. Important facts about the safety of unpasteurized (raw) milk. Publication number FST 139.
Boyer, R., and B. Chapman. 2013. Food safety for school and community gardens. Publication number FST-60P
Chase, M., R. Boyer. 2013. Leave 'Em Star Struck: A Fruits and Vegetables Food Demonstration Activity for Farmers Markets.
Chase, M., R. Boyer. 2013. Master Volunteer Foods Demonstration Guide.
Boyer, R., A. Villalba, K. Bacon. 2012. Direct Market Food Sale Regulations.
Boyer, R., A. Villalba, K. Bacon. 2012. How do you know if your food is safe to sell?
Boyer, R., J. Harrison, J. Gaskins, M. Harrison, J. Cannon, G. Zehnder. 2012. Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce – Farm Worker Toilet and Handwashing Facilities. (2pp.) Bulletin # FDNS-E-168-7. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Available through VCE.
Boyer, R., J. Harrison, J. Gaskins, M. Harrison, J. Cannon, G. Zehnder. 2012. Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce – Farm Worker Hygiene. (2pp.) Bulletin # FDNS-E-168-6. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Available through VCE.
Boyer, R., S. McCurdy. 2012. Is it safe to eat? Use a food thermometer to be SURE. Publication number FST-28NP-A.
Boyer, R., S. McCurdy. 2012. Is it safe to eat? Use a food thermometer to be SURE. Publication number FST-028NP-B.
Boyer R., S. McCurdy. 2012. Se puede comer con seguridad? Use un termómetro de alimentos para estar SEGURO. Publication number FST-28NP-C.
Boyer R., S. McCurdy. 2012. Se puede comer con seguridad? Use un termómetro de alimentos para estar SEGURO. Publication number FST-028NP-D.
Gaskins, J., J. Harrison, M. Harrison, J. Cannon, R. Boyer, G. Zehnder. Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce – Land Use. (2pp.) Bulletin # FDNS-E-168-3. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Available through VCE.
Gaskin, J., J. Harrison, M. Harrison, J. Cannon, R. Boyer, G. Zehnder. 2012. Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce – Water Use. (2pp.) Bulletin # FDNS-E-168-4. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Available through VCE.
Gaskins, J., J. Harrison, M. Harrison, J. Cannon, R. Boyer, G. Zehnder. 2012. Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce – Manure Use. (2pp.) Bulletin # FDNS-E-168-5. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Available through VCE.
Harrison, J., J. Gaskins, M. Harrison, J. Cannon, R. Boyer, G. Zehnder. 2012. Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce – Farm Self-Help Form. (2pp.) Bulletin # FDNS-E-168-1. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Available through VCE.
Harrison, J., J. Gaskins, M. Harrison, J. Cannon, R. Boyer, G. Zehnder. 2012. Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce – Transporting Produce Safely. (2pp.) Bulletin # FDNS-E-168-9. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
Harrison, J., J. Gaskins, M. Harrison, J. Cannon, R. Boyer, G. Zehnder. 2012. Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce – Farmers Market Self-Help Form. (4pp.) Bulletin # FDNS-E-168-11. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
Harrison, J., R. Boyer. 2012. Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce – On the Farm (2pp.) Bulletin # FDNS-E-168-2. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
Harrison, J., M. Harrison, J. Gaskins, J. Cannon, R. Boyer, G. Zehnder. 2012. Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce – Harvesting and Storage. (4pp.) Bulletin # FDNS-E-168-8. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
Zehnder, G., J. Gaskins, J. Harrison, M. Harrison, R. Boyer, J. Cannon. 2012. Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce – Farm Self-Help Form. (2pp.) Bulletin # FDNS-E-168-10. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.